10 ways to Celebrate your Oshi's Birthday

15 May 2020


Everyone has a favourite character, and every year, there will be a day that is special to us. It’s our oshi character’s birthday! The term “oshi” refers to the one we support the most, in other words, our favourite character. To normies, it might seem weird that we are celebrating our favourite character's birthday; after all, these characters aren't real. But the existence of these characters is something that no fan can deny. It’s nothing strange to celebrate a fictional character’s birthday! 

I shall introduce 10 ways you can celebrate your oshi’s birthday, starting from the easiest level, level 1. 


Level 1
-Wishing your oshi character a “Happy Birthday”.

That's it!

It might sound simple and effortless, but it depends on how you wish them. Wishing your waifu or husbando a Happy Birthday in your head is indeed a simple and effortless task. Now, try saying it out loud.

“Happy birthday OOOOO!” 

Easy Peasy. 


Level 2
-Revisit the series your oshi character is in.

If they are in a game, play the game again! If they are in an anime or manga, binge the series once more! Relive the Experience! There’s no such thing as “too often”. Who knows if you might end up discovering new aspects of your characters that make you fall in love with your waifu and husbando once again!


Level 3
-Let everyone on your SNS (Social Networking Platform) know that today is the BIG day of your oshi character. 

Share their fanart, cosplays and fanfics, write about how you met your waifu and husbando and why you love them! Don’t just express your love for them, but promote the series they are in, and maybe even convert a few friends!

Simply retweet or reblog related articles or images of your Anime Loves! 

Spread the vir- LOVE!


Level 4
-Draw fanart or write fan fiction of your oshi.

Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of feels you have for a particular character? Put it down on paper!

Some say that drawing your favourite character feels like writing a love letter to them. 

As someone who loves to draw fanart, I can attest that what she said is true!!

If you don’t trust your drawing skills, try writing fanfics! 

Show off your creative writing skills and take your favourite character on a date! 

If you’re having writer’s block or art block, don’t be disheartened, you can still cosplay as your favourite character.

What can be better than expressing your love for your waifu and husbando in the form of glorious art?

Ascend from Level 3 and join the ranks of Level 4; BE the creators and let other people share your work; and make even more friends!


Level 5
-Buy a birthday cake.


Birthday cake is the most fundamental aspect of a birthday celebration. Simply get one from your favourite bakery and dedicate it to the love of your life! 

Alternatively, you can just hit the kitchen and make some of your oshi’s favourite food and enjoy a simple meal!


Level 6
-Have your oshi-themed cake and eat it.

Step up your game by making a cake with your love’s gorgeous face on it.

There are many tutorials you can find online to make such cakes. DreamChaser on YouTube has great tutorials for making character-themed cakes.

The steps might seem complicated at first, but your effort will certainly pay off in terms of satisfaction!

If you find yourself with a lack of time or skill, or both, you can patronise local bakeries that provide edible printing and customisation services for cakes!


Level 7
-Coordinate your outfit or room to the colour that represents your oshi. 


Do you often associate daily objects to your favourite character just because of the colour? Rest assured, you're not alone. Dress up and have a great day out or decorate your room in the colour that reminds you of happiness! Be yourself!


Level 8
-Celebrate your oshi’s birthday with fellow otakus.

Get together with like-minded friends from supporting the same character or series. Depending on where you live, you can meet them offline for a meal or Karaoke session in the future. For now, meet them online via skype, etc. during this time of crisis.

Share your love and joy together with them! 



Level 9
-Make a Pilgrimage

Many settings in anime, manga and games are based on actual locations!


Visit the places where your oshi character has been before.

Take a photo of yourself at these locations with your favourite character plushies! Alternatively, you can edit the photo with your favourite character in it. Again, please adhere to current social distancing regulations and stay safe until the crisis is over! Your oshi will understand.


Level 10
-Set up an altar (saidan) dedicated to your oshi character.


Gather all the goods (yes, we mean everything.) you have of your oshi character and start assembling! If you have a favourite character, chances are, you already have a collection of your oshi goods. Add more to your collection on this special day!

You've spent money, time and effort, but the joy of being in a room surrounded by your oshi character merchandise parallels the feeling of being in a paradise.


Alternatively, you can build an itabag. What's an Itabag, you ask? It's pretty much a portable tribute for your oshi. Unlike your room, you can always bring your itabag out and about and show them off, especially on your oshi’s birthday.

Now that you have seen the different ways of celebrating your oshi character’s birthday, which level of love do you have for your oshi

Leave a comment below!

Stay tuned for more articles on Hakken! 

-Hibernating Bear

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